The workforce of TEB/Castellar are starting work at the Castellar del Vallès waste plant, as well as providing preventive and corrective maintenance of containers, thanks to an agreement with Fomento de la Construcción y Contratas, S.A, holder of the concession for cleaning services, waste and rubbish collection.

TEB/Castellar is the most important centre for the TEB Vallès cooperative, offering industrial services as well as other services in the region. In addition to its support for the waste plant and maintenance of containers, TEB/Castellar provides occasional extra services, including maintenance of bus stops, maintenance and disinfecting of sand play areas and dog toilets, as well as selective collection of batteries at official offices and cooperating organisations.

TEB Vallès was set up in Castellar 14 years ago on the initiative of a group of families from the area whose children were travelling to Barcelona every day to work. During this time, TEB Vallès has done social work in the municipality, as well as creating jobs for this group of people locally. The cooperative currently has 102 workers, of whom 74 are people with mental disability. Apart from the special employment centre, TEB Vallès runs work placements, an occupational centre with fifty places and a residence/home with 9 places.