This programme offers people with intellectual disability a home for temporary stays (the duration of the stay depends on the learning progress of each person, the availability and access to permanent residential resources, as well as the success of the work of the interdisciplinary team). The objective is to make a first contact with independent living and start a process of personal and social adjustment that should end in a more adequate, stable and sustainable housing resource or option.

There are established three possible scenarios for the completion of the process:

  • Return with the family or legal guardian.
  • Access to a place accredited by the Department of Social Welfare of the Generalitat of Catalonia, such as a Residential Home or In-Home Support Services (within houses managed by  TEB Cooperative Group)
  • Referral to another specialised service (if applicable).

The intervention is integral: not only social and adaptive skills will be trained (domestic, health, hygiene, self-care…), but also the access to the labour market, to quality leisure…

This programme had the support of Barcelona’s City Council in 2015.
Work with Support / Department of Enterprise and Employment
The programme of Work with Support in ordinary businesses for the insertion of people with disabilities and/or mental disorders aims at improving their labour integration and is framed within the active employment policies at European, Spanish and Catalan level. It has the purpose of promoting the recruitment of people with disabilities who need support for the development of their job.

The Department of Enterprise and Employment funds the costs of hiring the job guide preparer (Order EMO / 285/2013).